Principal's Desk

Columbus Manor Families-

Students are back in the full swing of school routines. It has been a great two weeks of school so far! Thank you to all of the families that attended Open House on Wednesday evening.  It is always great to see everyone excited to be back.  At Open House I handed out a review of the Safety Procedures.  Please read the handout carefully, as staff will guide arrival and dismissal based on this information.  The new preschool arrival time at 8:20am has been smooth.  It is appreciated that the CM families are cognizant of the precision it takes to make the morning drop off run well. 

PBIS expectations, cool tools, and classroom procedures have been taught.  The guiding premise of the school procedures revolve around the three PBIS Expectations.  These expectations are Be Safe, Be Responsible, and Be Respectful.  In each common area of the school and in the classrooms, procedures or “cool tools,” as commonly referred to by staff and students, are taught.  It is these cool tools that keep Columbus Manor running smoothly each day. 

In addition to teaching procedures, students are welcomed back with classroom get to know you activities.  Students' learning begins by building a community in each classroom.  Curriculum instruction for the district includes McGraw-Hill, Wonders series,  Pearson’s Investigations for Math, Foss Next Generation Science, and Social Studies with an emphasis on national observances. Student learning will encompass all of these content areas and additional supports or enrichment as determined by the teacher and/or specialist using MAP and AIMSweb data.  

MAP Fall Benchmarking, formally named Measure of Academic Progress begins on Tuesday, September 5th and runs through Friday, September 15th.  This computer based screening assessment is used to make informed decisions to promote a child’s academic growth.  Additionally, the AIMSweb system is used to benchmark Kindergarten students and progress monitor Kindergarten through fifth grade.  Benchmarking progress report will be given to parent during the October parent/teacher conferences. 

The Columbus Manor PTA is always looking for support.  Whether a family member is able to chair or co chair an event, volunteer during an activity, or even just join as a member, the support is appreciated.  The PTA has a variety of activities, events, and fundraisers set for the school year.  More information on upcoming events is listed on page 4 of this newsletter.


Meghan Dougherty