Ms. Cockrell's class does not waste a minute of learning time. While students are waiting for the next P.E. switch, Ms. Cockrell reviews Fundations letters and sounds as well as math problems. We have them posted by the gym doors for teachers. Every minute of learning counts!

Ms. Rangel is doing student conferencing with her students today about their progress on Dreambox! Ms. Rangel goes over lessons/standards completed as well as areas of focus. We use Dreambox to drive our instruction to tell us what the kids know and what they are ready to learn.

Beautiful kindergarten artwork to say thank you to veterans. So great to see our students in school on Veterans Day!

Vaccination Information

Message from District Office regarding VACCINATIONS:
Chicago Ridge Mall: today & tom, Nov. 6 from 11am-4pm Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines are available for 1st dose, 2nd dose, boosters. Pfizer vaccine available in doses for 5-11 & 12+/adult. Walk-Ins welcome

Recognizing our October Eagle winners. Thanks for being safe, being responsible, and being respectful!

All kinds of fun at today’s Track-a-thon.! Thank you to Mrs. Dykema and Miss Reed for organizing the event and to PTA volunteers for helping the kids count their laps. Healthy kids equal healthy minds!

Ms. Nolan-Ferrel's class is working on Dreambox! Dreambox helps us monitor students' progress through the different lessons/standards. It tells us what we need to review with the child at school and what they are ready to learn.

Ms. Wrobel's Kindergarten Class- Student Leadership
Students help lead the learning in our classrooms at Lieb School! Shout-out to Ms. Wrobel's Kindergarten class working hard on their math!

Red Ribbon Week- Be Brave and Drug Free!
We finished up our spirit week! Thank you to Officer Bill who spoke about how making healthy decisions for our mind and body is so important!

Students wearing yellow and blue to show school spirit in Ms. Green’s class!

Kindergarteners broke free in their first breakout session with digital locks!!!!

Shoutout to Mrs. Ferrel’s class for sharing their beautiful stories of name origin!

Mrs. Bartelt’s students learning different ways to make spinning tops. How fun!

Lieb student who made her own school spirit wear pointing out bathroom cool tool reminders!

Lieb student who made her own school spirit wear pointing out bathroom cool tool reminders!

Spirit Wear Day! How do I get one?! So cute!
This student is reminding those in the bathroom of important "Cool Tools".

Ms. Bartelt's class was learning the different ways to make spinning tops. The kids had so much fun!

Mr. Volpe is lending a hand in the cafeteria with spills during 1st grade lunch. Thank you, Mr. Volpe! Teachers really do, do it all!

Thank you to our librarian, Ms. Niceforo for getting our book selection up and running! Here’s how many words kids would have heard by the time they were 5 years old:
Never read to: 4,662 words
3-5 times per week :169,520 words
daily: 296,660 words