Specialized Programs
There are variety of special education programs in District12 to meet the needs of students from Early Childhood to 8th grade. Written rules and regulations concerning these programs are available via the District website, through a request from the Director of Student Services, as well as available on the Illinois State Board of Education website. Questions and requests for more information can be directed to (708) 599-5550.
The school district in which the child resides is responsible for making sure that the student receives a “free, appropriate public education” in the “least restrictive environment” (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act). Each local school district is responsible for identifying, locating and evaluating all children with disabilities who resides within their boundaries and who are between the ages of birth and 21 years.
District 122 has specific procedures for actively identifying, locating and evaluating children who might need special education and related services. These procedures describe activities for:
Identifying, locating and evaluating children with known or suspected disabilities from birth through age 21;
Ongoing coordination with early intervention programs to identify children from birth through two years of age who have or are suspected of having disabilities, in order to ensure provision of services in accordance with applicable timelines;
Hearing and vision screening at regular intervals during the child’s school career and annual hearing and vision screening of all special education students;
Ongoing review of each child’s performance and progress by teachers and other professional personnel, in order to identify those children who exhibit learning difficulties which interfere with their educational progress and /or their adjustment to the educational setting, suggesting that they may be eligible for special education and related services;
Coordination and consultation with non-public schools within the district that result in child find activities comparable to those available in the public schools.
Referrals for a case study evaluation to determine eligibility for special education services may be made by school district personnel, the parents of the child, employees of community service agencies, persons having primary care and custody of the child or professional persons having knowledge of the child’s problems. Referrals should be made in writing to the building principal and contain pertinent information regarding the nature of the child’s difficulties.
Within 14 school days after receiving a request for an evaluation the school district shall determine whether an evaluation is warranted. Written notice of the decision will be provided to the parents.
Additionally, the District will identify and provide appropriate supports to each student eligible for services under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
The district is required to offer and provide a qualified interpreter for all IEP meetings. Parents must request an interpreter prior to the meeting
Questions and requests for more information should be directed to the Director of Student Services at (708)599-5550.

Mrs. Andrea Antkiewicz
Director of Student Services
708-599-5550 Ext 7211

Mr. Timothy Beemsterboer
Assistant Director of Student Services
708-599-5550 Ext 7010
Mrs. Rachel Hennigan
Special Education Coordinator
708-599-5550 Ext 7031
Ms. Terra Price
Special Education Coordinator
708-599-5550 Ext 7004
Mrs. Kataryna Zapala
School Psychologist
708-599-5550 Ext 7009
Mr. Kyle Biedron
School Psychologist
Mrs. Rosie Guerrero
Administrative Assistant
708-599-5550 Ext 7217